Monday, April 29, 2013

Pattern emerging?

Life gets in the way, again! 

I started quilting my very first quilt ... nothing like jumping in the deep end :o)  As you can see it is very difficult to quilt when the fabric is covering the machine. 

I've moved it, so now maybe you can see my dilema, and why it is taking so long!  When I bought this machine 5 or 6 years ago, quilting was just a dream so I didn't understand why this wasn't the machine to buy.  I am now saving my pennies, (and dimes and quarters) to buy one with a bigger throat.  That will make things much easier.

I have been working tons, and being the single mom while my dear hubby is working so I haven't progressed much.  Hopefully this Friday will change things.  I shouldn't have ANYTHING required to work on ... other than cleaning house.  And of course, that can wait for quilting breaks.

Next on the agenda, posting about my wonderful charity quilt ... I think I have my fabrics picked out ...

Talk to you soon!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

And so we go on ...

Unfortunately, there is no real pattern to my life.  As soon as I get into a regular routine, something happens to shake things up a bit.  Maybe that is the pattern, hmmmm.  Must think on that one.

I haven't been working on my quilt much, we have had some yucky weather and it seemed like perfect napping time.  Also, my sewing machine has such a narrow throat, the straight line quilting I am doing on it is HARD!  Not my favorite part, think I like the piecing better.  I have so many other projects going, I think that I am afraid that if I start another quilt top, the current one won't ever be finished.  I promise ... pictures will come soon.

The projects I have lined up are:
    1.  Quilt top for my darling daughter, aka Monkey.  This is one that she designed and chose the fabrics for.  Did I mention she is 6?
    2.  Quilt for a FABULOUS cause, Quilty Hugs for Chemo.  This is one that I am doing with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  (When I learn how to do links, I will link her here.  I was able to bring her logo over ... see top right!)  Still working on exactly what I want to do, but I think it will be a three fabric quilt, on the girly side of things.  Definitely doing it in flannel.  Needs to be soft and cuddly :o)
   3.  A quilt for my oldest grandson (5).  I crocheted a blanket for his baby sister (6 months) which I gave her for Christmas.  I have also crocheted a blanket for his little brother (3), but I didn't give it to him yet because I didn't want the oldest to feel left out.  His quilt needs to be done soon!
   4.  This is a wish quilt ... I really want to make it, but I am not sure I have the talent.  The registrar at my daughter's school passed away this week after a two year battle with cancer.  A friend and I would love to get some of her clothes and make quilts for her three children so that they could always have Mom there to hug on them.  I just don't know that I have the talent for this.  Still thinking about it.

Anyway ... I think it is time to start scheduling my quilting time.  Otherwise nothing will be completed!

Thanks for reading :o)
